ABSTRACTThis study analyzes the effect of loan management in relation to banks profitability A cases stud... Continue reading
ABSTRACTThis work titled A critical evaluation of lending consideration of Nigeria Deposit Banks intended look... Continue reading
ABSTRACTThis paper work aims at outline the roles of the Central Bank of Nigeria in the development of Nigeria Finan... Continue reading
ABSTRACTAll over the world, the public service as a matter of experience has not been known for their capacity to creat... Continue reading
INTRODUCTIONBACK GROUND OF THE STUDYThere is risk in everything that one does, and no one knows where he will m... Continue reading
1.0 INTRODUCTIONBusiness organizations need planning to achieve their aims and objective. It thorough planning in an... Continue reading
ABSTRACTLending is the most important activity of the Bank. It is the utmost activity of financial intermediat... Continue reading
ABSTRACTCapital market in Nigeria has proved to be the bedrock of national economy. The significance of the ma... Continue reading
INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYThe performance of this company in recent years valued b... Continue reading
ABSTRACTThe issue of fraud has become a serious food for thought for many corporate bodies in recent times. In relat... Continue reading