The main objective of this project was to ensure a proper security to car being parked in garage against theft or an intruder. The circuit uses three NE555 timers; one of the NE555 was wired as a monostable oscillator and remaining two were wired as tone generator and amplified to obtain a maximum audible sound. However, pin 2 of the first NE555 was used as sensor part .When pin 2 has contact with human body or hand it will activate the IC1 which will also bias transistor and this transistor was wired in a way that once it is powered it will close circuit thereby passing a negative supply voltage to tone generator circuit and outputted out through a loud speaker or buzzer.
This device functions as a major security device against cartheft as stated above. It is an electronic device that is connected to the battery of the car it is being installed in and gets activated when the car engine is switched off and the car stationed at a place. The device is not seen but, it has an indicator light which shows that the alarm has been activated. When the body of the car is touched by human hand, it sends a negative signal to the device which needs a negative pulse to get activated; it sends this negative from the human hand to the tone generator IC which triggers the alarm.
Title Page ....i
Dedication ...iii
Acknowledgement .. iv
Abstract .v
Table of content ...vi
List of Symbols . vii
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1.1 Background of study 1
1.2 Aims and objectives 3
CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review.4
CHAPTER THREE: Specification and operation of system component 3.1 Description of NE55 Timer.12
3.2 Description of Resistor. 14
3.3 Description of Capacitor.. 16
3.4 Description of Diode 27
3.5 Description of Transformer 32
3.6 Description of Loud Speaker and Buzzer 41
3.7 Description of Transistor. 43
3. 8 Description of L.E.D.. 47
CHAPTER FOUR: Operation of system and its circuit and block diagram
4.1 Operation of circuit 55
4.2 The circuit diagram.. ..57
4.3 The block diagram58
CHAPTER FIVE: Construction, Testing and Packaging
5.1 Values of components.59
5.2 Assembly60
5.3 A schematic diagram of the finished work.63
CHAPTER SIX: Conclusion and Recommendation
6.1 Conclusion .. .64
6.2 Recommendation . . ..65
6.3 Observations ..66
6.4 Dificulties.. 57
6.5 References. 68
ABSTRACTThis project involved design and construction of an audio amplifier that could drive a quite number of speakers...
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