1.0 General Introduction..1
1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Study. 3
2.1 Electromagnetic waves....................................................................... 6
2.2 Forms and Importance of Maxwells equation........................................ 7
3.0 Materials and Method...................................................................... 14
3.1 Materials, Tools and Equipment Used. 14
3.2 Circuit Diagrams of EMF Detector..................................................... 19
3.3 Methodology /Construction. 21
3.4 Principle of Operation. 21
3.6 Operational Amplifier Terminals23
CHAPTER FOUR.................................................................................... 25
4.0 Result and Discussion...................................................................... 25
4.1 Result............................................................................................ 25
4.2 Discussion...................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER FIVE..................................................................................... 27
5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation..................................................... 27
This project work, construction of an Electromagnetic field detector is to sense any traces of electromagnetic field in our environment. The EMF detector is made up of the probe which was the sensing part of the detector , the operational amplifier, the headphone or digital meter where the output result was heard or readout. Coupling of all these and some other electrical components together form the basis of this project. Unknown to many people, the environment will live in can pose danger to us. Some of these problems dangers come in various forms range from the ones we can see with our naked eyes, those we can perceive, to those we can not see nor perceive. Under the category of those we can not see nor perceive falls an electromagnetic field. This field with higher level of concentration can cause a lot of hazards when one exposes his or her body to it. In order to avoid or reduce these hazards to a minimal bearable level, the need for an apparatus that will sense this field and notify us of the intended danger must be conceived and developed so that the general public can benefit from it. In view of this, an apparatus called electromagnetic field detector is conceived and developed.
ABSTRACTThis project involved design and construction of an audio amplifier that could drive a quite number of speakers...
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