Title page ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of content vii
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of research problem 1
1.3 Objective of study 5
1.4 Significant of study 5
1.5 Research question 5
1.6 Hypothesis 6
1.7 Conceptual and operational definition of terms 6
1.8 Assumptions 7
1.9 Limitation / scope of study 7
Literature Review
2.1 Source of literature 9
2.2 Review 9
2.2.1 concept of journalism 10
2.2.2 Gratification and media resources 11
2.3 Theoretical frame work of study 14
2.4 Summary of related literature 16
Research methodology
3.1 Research design 17
3.2 Area of study 20
3.3 Population of study 20
3.4 Research sample and simply procedure 22
3.5 Instrument for data collection 21
3.5 Data collection 26
3.6 Validity of instrument 27
3.7 method of data analysis 28
Data analysis and result
4.1 Data analysis and tabulation 30
4.2 Result 31
4.3 Discussion 32
Summary and recommendation for further study
5.1 Summary 34
5.2 Recommendation 35
5.3 Recommendation for further studies 38
1.1 Background of the study
In this dynamic and challenging society of ours, the role of Nigerian mass media is too many to mention. Journalism practice has performed enormous and crucial roles for meaningful rural and national development. The Nigerian media serve as a pivot upon which socioeconomic political and cultural activities revolve. It is on this basis is that many succession government in Nigeria depend largely on the support of the media in propagating their polices and programmer to the people.
This rise in the mass media and mass communication as journalism practice has been stimulated in various science. The reason for this can be explained by the simple realization that people are curious beings. Their in qursitive mind always seals to comprehend and interpret the world around them and the occurrence therein. Above all, people are social beings; they are communicating creatures Umechukwu 20000.
The development of popular newspapers and periodicals broadcasting has led to institutional and cultural innovations, this permitting efficient and rapid communication between a few individuals and large populations, these various media of communication have been responsible for the rise in the social empowerment of citizen of modern societies. Additionally, the media have shifted though generally, from the traditional roles to more vocationally relevant objectives, which embrace the promotion of peoples interest in society in all sphere of life.
al of Nigerian Newspapers Coverage of Womens Participation in 2007 General ElectionsThe professionalism of media is c...
Continue readingINTRODUTION1.1 BACKGROUD TO THE STUDY The mass media perform a lot of key functions in this society...
Continue readingABSTRACTInformation and communication has swept the world with powerful force affecting the society. Supported in its ...
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