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Modern advertising began in the late 19th century and grew during the early 20th century, as magazine and radio became mass advertising media. However, communication has been a part of the selling process ever since the exchange of goods between people started. The development of technology and research had led to increased sophistication in advertising in recent decade. During ancient and medieval time, advertising was crude if measured by present day standard, the diggings by archaeologists; in countries running the Mediterranean Sea has linearthed a Babylonian day tablet of about 3000Bc, bearing inscription for an ointment dealer, a scribe and a shoemaker. Romans and their predecessors knew that it pays to advertise papyri found in the ruins of Thebes Egypt show announcements offering rewards for the return of runaway slaves about 3000Bc.

Many attempts were made in the past to formulate a definition of advertising, one of such attempts led by the American Marketing Associations AMA 1977 Cited in Suleiman 2004:35 says. Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of goods, services or ideas by identified sponsors.

According to Dominick 2002:369, Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal, presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, services usually paid for by an identified sponsor. From the foregoing certain words of elaboration, advertising is non personal it is directed towards a large group of anonymous people, even direct mail advertising, which may be addressed to specific person, is prepared by a computer and signed by a machine.

Secondly, advertising typically paid for. This fact differentiates advertising from publicity, which is not usually purchased. Sponsors such as NASCO foods pay for the time and space they use to get their message across. Nonprofit organizations, such as the Red Cross, advertise but do not pay for time space. Newspapers run these adverts free as public services.

Thirdly for obvious reason, the sponsor of the advert in the primary is what behind the advert otherwise, why advertising Perhaps the only situation, in which the identification of the advertiser may not be selfevident, is political advertising. Because of this, publishers will not accept a political advert without a statement identifying those responsible for it.

Newspaper Advertising in Nigeria can be traced to the growth of commercial activities even before the arrival of the white man. The methods of advertising prior to the arrival of the whites according to Ogbodoh 1990 cited in Okunna 2002:86 were town crier harking and display.

Ekwelie 1980:12 says, before the emergence of cities, villages

And little neighborhoods had ways of advertising waves.

In communities children would sing recognizable songs to announce the availability of goods when in cities, today, and one can still hear the mating song of pap sellers.

The view that traders were satisfied with the spreading of their waves on the ground waiting for customers to make their first advance is entirely misleading. Traders called the attention of prospective customers to the excellent quality and quantity of their goods and sometimes coined slogan to give added effect to their usual exaggerated claims.

However, Modern day Newspaper advertising began in 1859, while the commercial advertising started in 1928 when West African publicity WAP and the fore runner of lintas were established by United African Company UAC. In 1859, the English Reverend gentleman Henry Townsend established the first Newspaper in Nigeria called I we iroyin fun Egba ati Yoruba. Though the Newspaper was mainly for ecclesiological matter, it carried advertisement on birth, weddings, death, church activities and vacancies for house boy and maid ship schedules and other social events.

Iwe Irohin blazed the trail in Newspaper advertisement and established, Newspaper such as Anglo African, The Lagos observer, The Eagle, The Lagos weekly record, the critic and mirrow e.t.c. In the Lagos colony and after 1914 when the amalgamation had taken place.

Advertising business received a boost as from 1920s when business activities in Lagos and its environs peaked. Many foreign companies such as Lever Brothers, Raleigh Bicycle, Dunlop, Pz, NACCET, Cadbury, Good year Tyres, Ovaltine, Nugget, Samsam shout Guinness, and Schnapps established bases in Lagos.

The West African publicity provided advertising services to these companies through the three ps poster, press and pamphlet.

Poster happened to the most dominant medium, while Wap concentrated very much on site purchase and acquisition. Over three hundred 300 sites were acquired along Nigeria sites at post offices, market places and road function in many towns. No doubt, WAP become the indisputable poster monarchs of Nigeria with the increased political tempo between 1930 and 1950, many Newspaper here established and commercial advertising become a major source of revenue for them.

By 1919, classified advertisement had become a common feature of Newspaper trade.

NASCO Nigeria division is a limited liability company established in 1963, with its head office situated in Jos, the Plateau state capital. The organization had its humble beginning as the only manufacturing facility throughout subSaharan African at that point in time NASCO fiber was a patriotic action to come into being. It was in response to desire by the founding fathers of the northern Nigeria on the eve of independence to meet extant challenge for the proper bagging, storage and packaging of the huge agriculture yield prevalent in the Northern Nigeria at that time. It is further a fact of history that what started as a jute factory is over fortyfive years ago, has since metamorphosed into sprawling conglomerates. Today the group is made up of NASCO foods, NASCO households, NASCO fiber, NASCO properties and NASCO. Confectionery amongst others these companies together form what is known internationally as the NASCO group of companies.

The operations of the company can be divided into four broad categories which are manufacturing, marketing, trading and services. However with the organization, today manufacturing plays dormant roles as veritable areas for corporate growth and meaningful contribution to the growth and economic development in Nigeria and with capable hands of a proud and motivated 4036 strong work force. NASCO Nigeria division is busy breaking new grounds to serve the market better. Though they are publically or private owned in Jos, NASCO contribute the largest corporate body in Jos, providing employment for thousands of Nigerians.

Five companies comprises the manufacturing arm of NASCO division, these companies are:

Northern Nigeria fiber products.

NASCO foods limited.

NASCO packs limited.

NASCO Confectionery Company limited.

NASCO household product.

NASCO foods Nigeria limited were established in 1973. The major products produced by the company are biscuit, cornflakes and wafers.

There are fiftytwo varieties of biscuit, which are categories as either mass or quality biscuit, this made the company to be the manufacturers of the largest range of biscuits in Nigeria.

The mass biscuit are Gem, fancy, schoolmate and tea biscuit are cream crackers, cheese assorted, Lincoln, morning coffee, nice, shortcake, orange, strawberry, chocolate, lemon and banana cream. NASCO tea biscuit is today the outstanding brand leader in the category of maltex milk biscuit in Nigeria.

NASCO foods limited create the wafers market in Nigeria and the company was recently, the only manufacturer of wafers in Nigeria.

There are currently five flavors of NASCO wafers; they are lemon, banana, orange, strawberry and chocolate. NASCO cornflakes with two pack sizes of 250g and 350g are the market leaders in Nigeria. Advertisements by the company are carried out by NASCO marketing company limited which was incorporated in 1990, primarily to provide key marketing and sales functions for the products of associate companies in NASCO Nigeria division NASCO marketing company is involved in product development, pack designs, sales promotion, merchandising, as well as advertising.

The company also provides marketing functions for companies outside the NASCO Nigeria division. Newspaper Adverts have play a dormant role in the growth of NASCO foods company, the role in the growth of NASCO foods company, the role that Newspaper adverts played is as follows.

It gives necessary awareness and exposure of the company product to the general public.

It encourages brand loyalty, which gives reason for a repeat purchase.

It motivates consumers to buy the products.

One of the methods of advertising used by NASCO foods to reach their public is through Newspaper. They also engage in out door activities like sales promotion and exhibition, where they give out T. shirts, Pcaps and plastic containers, which bear the company names on them to distributors and customers,

On the media like zaben Hausa, a Hausa drama on radio Kaduna and fm radio station Jos. The organizations also carry out advertising campaigns nationwide and they do this through the Newspapers. Advertising is very essential for the development of NASCO foods, it is vital to the extent that they cannot survive without it. The main purpose of the organization is to get market to satisfy the needs of the people in return, for profit. Hence without Advertisement nobody will come to their products, let alone of purchasing their products and the information they need about a particular product. And the more they get market and of course the more they make profit.

Whenever NASCO foods advertise their product, they recorded high sale of their products to the extent that they have to increase their production to meet the demands of their numerous customers and this have tremendously brought development to the organization.

The companies advertise a particular product from its introductory stage, at its maturity stage sometimes depending on the season as the demand for some products is seasonal. The money spent on Advertisement by NASCO foods does not affect them negatively, in the scene that when they advertise they create awareness in the minds of the people as a result of this they widen their market share, what they gain out weight what they spend.


Many organizations have failed to develop because of negative attitude towards Newspaper advertising. It then becomes imperative to curtail the problem of lack of appropriate consideration given to advertisement in the conduct of business. The extent to which advertising enables organizational growth is the problem this study investigates.


The purpose of carrying out this research includes the following.

To bring to limelight the benefits and advantages of advertisement in an organizational development.

To show the importance of advertisement, to owners of business in their business affairs.

To show the importance and relevance of creativity in advertisement messages.

To highlight different methods of advertising that organization can adopt.

To examine the various strategies to implore in achieving a successful advertisement.


Considering the vital role played by Newspaper advertising not only in promotion of sales but also creating brand loyalty, this study which is based on analyzing the role of Newspaper advert in an organization development will go a long way in bringing new grounds in the world of advertisement. Wimmers and Dominick 1983:37 are of the view that a research study must be significant to the researcher to the body of the knowledge and the society at large.

Therefore, this research would be of great significance to the researcher, to the body of knowledge and the society at large. Therefore, this research would be of great significance to the researcher, the study will be beneficial to small organizations and owners of the business.


This study will attempt to answer some fundamental questions that border on the role of Newspaper advertising in an organizational development. These questions include.

Of what importance is Newspaper advertising, to both the advertiser and the consumers

Does NASCO foods advertisement satisfy the needs and aspirations of its consumers

What are the impending factors against effective use of advertisement by organizations in Nigeria

What are the significant correlations between NASCO foods success and the work of advertising


Hi. Newspaper advertising is important to both the advertiser

And the consumers.

Ho. Newspaper advertising is not important to both the

Advertiser and the consumers.

H2. NASCO foods advertisement satisfy, the needs and

Aspiration of its consumers.

Ho. NASCO foods advertisement does not satisfy the needs

And aspiration of its consumers.

H3. Newspaper advertisements have impending factors against effective use of advertisement by organizations in Nigeria

Ho. Newspaper Advertisement does not have impending

Against effective use of advertisement by organizations in


H4. Advertising have significant correlations between NASCO

Foods success and the work of advertising.



ROLE: This is your position and function in a situation or society. BBC English Dictionary.

NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENT: This the activity of telling people about products or events in order to make them want to buy the products or go to the events. BBC English Dictionary.

NASCO FOODS: It is organizations that create the wafers market in Nigeria and the company was recently, the only manufacturer of wafers in Nigeria.


ROLE: It could be said to be an extent to which something or somebody is involved in an activity which will affect it positively and negatively.

NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENT: It can be said to be a nonpersonal communication and information usually paid for and persuasive in nature.

NASCO FOODS: An organization establishment which is profit oriented with the aim of producing goods or services.


It is assumed that people have access to advertise their goods in Newspapers. It is also assumed that they reads Newspaper and they do see advert in the Newspaper. It is again the assumption of the researcher that the people understand clearly messages and Advert contained in the Newspaper Advertisement contains information and creating of awareness to the people.


The study is confined to NASCO foods Nigeria limited Jos. The research therefore is to investigate the role of Newspaper advertisement in the organizational development using and gathering relevant information from the staff and top management of the organization in arriving at a local conclusion of the research work.

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