Departments Real Estate Plumbing Supply Company - Proposal

2k views/   FMT: MS Word/   Chts 1-5 BrilliantNG
₦ 3,000.00 3,200.00

Plumbing Supply Company - Proposal

Plumbing Supply Company Proposal

All around our homes and places of business, there is one form of plumbing job or the other done. From fittings in the kitchen, to the bathroom, toilet and what have you. Plumbing is one profession that have come to stay. Over the years there have been various evolutions on how the business is run. This is no wonder more and more people are delving into the path of business. The Plumber Supply business has to do with the distribution of plumbing products in large quantity to plumbing companies and Contractors. You would be amazed at the number of clients and profit that you are able to make in this line of business, as it is one venture that promises good profit
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